HARDWARE.TXT i am. This software was written on a Taiwan DTK PC/XT clone. It was designed to function from one 360k 5.25" floppy drive and 256k RAM. A map is drawn with CGA graphics in GW-BASIC. These graphics can be displayed on pseudoHercules graphics with a transliterator such as HGCIBM. My venerable XT was abruptly retired by lightning stroke. It was replaced by a 286A-16 VLSI AT clone with an AMI BIOS, sold as a "Kandu", by Computer Square of Hoffman Estates (Chicago) IL. I now support both 5.25" and 3.5" formats in both DD and HD. I detest color monitors, so I still support only CGA/Herc. This new system is still in the debugging stage, so please tell me if you are unable to read this. ;-)> My printer is a Panasonic KX-P2124, running Epson escape codes. If you have troubles, or just comments, corrections, criticisms, collaborations and corroborations then contact DP_BYTER, « Fast Road, Ritner, KY 42639. MCI Mail:635-1762 byter@mcimail.com X.400: c=US;a=MCI;s=BEITER;d=id=6351762 606/376-3137.